Mozzarella cheese

Whatever suits your fancy,
but here are some guidelines:

1. Use a large salad bowl.
2. Dice one or two 16 oz packages of mozzarella.
3. Dice an equal quantity of tomatoes.
4. Take the leaves off a bunch of basil and rip into four.
5. Put everything in salad bowl.
6. Sprinkle with 1 tbsp. oregano. Its bite very nicely.
7. Add 1 tbsp. fresh chopped garlic.
8. Add olive oil ‘til about 1/4" gathers in bottom of bowl.
9. Salt to taste.
10. Mix everything and let it sit for 1/2 an hour.
11. Eat - a lot of it.
12. Break a piece (or ten) of Italian semolina bread,
dip into dressing and savor.

- Bon Apetit! -

Extra tips:
You may of course vary the quantities depending on the
temporal state of your taste buds. I usually like less
cheese, more tomatoes and about twice the amount of garlic.

The bottom line:
A big favorite of my children, grandchildren and anyone
else I have ever met who does not have any dietary
restrictions. The extra garlic does not seem to bother
anyone because the olive oil cuts its bite very expertly.
Olive oil and garlic were of course married to each other
somewhere in the Mediterranean basin many, many, many
years ago and they have been living happily ever
(after) since.

EVOO = Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Copyright © 2006 by Ernest Samuel Leibovitz